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Micah CBR Tweets

#HarborCBR Micah starts Monday with City Bible Reading! Join me for 7 chapters of honest¦ https://t.co/cyeKXEbV4k

MIC1-Sin in the north infected the south and brings judgment. The hint of hope for us is if the judge goes stripped and naked-v8. #HarborCBR

MIC2-Condemnation to those who covet then steal what belongs to others, to those who steal the lives and future of others. #HarborCBR

MIC2,2-The people of God hate to hear His voice and disbelieve God's prophets. They are the opposite of the Ninevites in Jonah. #HarborCBR

MIC2,3-v12-13 sounds like hope, but actually this is God leading Israel's enemies to destroy them and exile them as captives. #HarborCBR

MIC3-Condemnation comes because of depraved rulers. King, priest, and prophet take bribes and feast on the lives of the people. #HarborCBR

MIC3,2-v8 God's Spirit is absent in the rulers, present in Micah. God's word comes w/power and the renewing justice of His Spirit. #HarborCBR

MIC4-Hope (finally!) comes "in the latter days." Not code for the end times in our future, it means after Israel is judged. #HarborCBR

MIC4,2-This nation-renewal will gather international community w/the disenfranchised, end war, remove fear, exalt God and His word! #HarborCBR

MIC4,3-Jesus brought these renewing blessings and calls His people to work hard to make them a reality today! #HarborCBR

MIC4,4-The end of v2 makes me think about John 1:14. #JesusOnEveryPage #HarborCBR

MIC5-Nation-renewal will happen thru a leader. Jesus fulfills this ultimately (Mt 2:6), but v5 sounds like first it's Babylon. #HarborCBR

MIC5,2-v1 is exactly what happened to Jesus in Matthew 27:30. #JesusOnEveryPage #HarborCBR

MIC6-God rescues us in grace, then calls us to live humbly grateful by pursuing justice. #HarborCBR

MIC6,2-v14-15 Frustration and lack of satisfaction with life are sometimes judgment from God. #HarborCBR

MIC7-Thru suffering(even judgment) lies hope on the other side for those who love God. It's sure because of God's forgiving love. #HarborCBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with
Tags: micah

Obadiah CBR Tweets

#HarborCBR Obadiah IS Monday for City Bible Reading! One chapter and you're done! Those who gloat in… https://t.co/U3lIJYpu7P

OB1-Condemnation on Edom, the descendants of Esau(Gen 25-36). When Judah was conquered, Edom rejoiced & joined in Judah's abuse. #HarborCBR

OB1,2-God promised Abraham in Gen 12, "Those who dishonor you I will curse." God cares how His people are treated. #HarborCBR

OB1,3-v15 1 principle of God's judgment is: w/o forgiveness, the harm that we cause others will be given back to us. #HarborCBR

OB1,4-The hope of this book is for God's people. When God judges those who are their enemies, God's people will be vindicated. #HarborCBR

Posted by Steven Cooper with
Tags: obadiah

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